
How to Use AURALIT-i

Welcome to AURALIT-i, your tool for producing documents and records from audio files. This guide will help you navigate and make the most of the various features we offer.

How to Use AURALIT-i

Select a Client

Begin by selecting an existing client or adding a new one in the 'Select Client' section.

Record or Upload Audio

Use the built-in recorder to capture audio or upload existing media files.

Transcribe Audio

Transcribe recorded or uploaded audio into text.

Add Voice Notes

Enhance your transcripts by adding additional information or clarifications through voice notes.

Process Document

Use the enhanced transcription to create a formatted document by selecting a template.

Edit with Voice Edit

Make further refinements to your document using the Voice Edit feature.

Download or Sign Document

Finalize your document by downloading it as a PDF or signing it digitally.

1. Select a Client

Begin by selecting an existing client or adding a new one in the 'Select Client' section.

  • Access the 'Select Client' page from the dashboard.
  • Use the search function to find an existing client or click 'Add Client' to create a new one.
  • Ensure you have the correct client selected before proceeding with any tasks.

2. Record or Upload Audio

Capture new audio using the built-in recorder or upload existing audio files for processing.

Recording Audio:

  • Navigate to the 'Recorder' section.
  • Click 'Start' to begin recording.
  • Allow access to your device's microphone if prompted.
  • Speak clearly into your microphone.
  • Click 'Stop' to end the recording.
  • You can listen to, delete, or save the recording for later processing.

Uploading Audio:

  • Navigate to the 'Audio Upload' section.
  • Select the media file from your device to upload.
  • Supported formats include MP3, WAV, and others.
  • Wait for the upload to complete before proceeding.

3. Transcribe Audio

Convert your audio recordings into text transcriptions.

  • After recording or uploading, go to the 'Audio Files' section to find your saved recordings.
  • Click 'Transcribe Audio' next to the desired file.
  • The transcription process may take some time depending on the length of the audio.
  • You can monitor the status of your transcription in the 'Transcripts' section.

Note: Real-time transcription happens during recording, but you can re-transcribe audio if needed.

4. Add Voice Notes

Enhance your transcriptions by adding voice notes to include additional information or clarifications.

Steps to Add Voice Notes:

  1. Navigate to the 'Transcripts' section from the main menu.
  2. Locate the transcript you wish to enhance and click 'Add Voice Note'.
  3. The Voice Note recorder interface will open.
  4. Click the 'Start' button to begin recording your voice note.
    • Speak clearly and provide any additional information or clarifications you want to include in the transcript.
    • You can pause and resume recording if needed.
  5. Click the 'Stop' button to end the recording.
  6. You can listen to your voice note, delete it, or click 'Process Voice Note' to integrate it into the transcript.
  7. Wait for the processing to complete. The enhanced transcript will be updated accordingly.


  • Keep your voice notes concise and relevant to the content.
  • Ensure you're in a quiet environment to improve audio quality.

5. Process Document

Create formatted documents from your enhanced transcriptions by selecting a document template.

  • Navigate to the 'Transcripts' section.
  • Locate the enhanced transcript and click 'Create Document'.
  • Select a document template that suits your needs (e.g., reports, letters).
  • The system will generate a document based on the enhanced transcription and template.
  • You can preview the document before downloading or further editing.

6. Edit with Voice Edit

Use the Voice Edit feature to make further refinements to your document through voice commands.

Steps to Use Voice Edit:

  1. After processing your document, navigate to the 'Documents' section.
  2. Locate the document you wish to edit and click 'View & Edit'.
  3. Below the document preview, you'll find the Voice Edit interface.
  4. Click the 'Start' button to begin recording your edits.
    • Provide specific instructions for changes, such as corrections, additions, or deletions.
    • Example: "Replace 'ABC' with 'XYZ' in the second paragraph."
  5. Click the 'Stop' button to end the recording.
  6. You can listen to your recording, delete it, or click 'Process Voice Edit' to apply the changes.
  7. Wait for the processing to complete. The document will be updated with your edits.

Tips for Best Results:

  • Ensure your instructions are clear, concise, and directly related to the content of the document.
  • Speak slowly and enunciate to improve transcription accuracy.

7. Download or Sign Document

Finalize your document by downloading it as a PDF or signing it digitally.

  • Navigate to the 'Documents' section to view your processed documents.
  • Click 'View & Edit' to preview the document.
  • To download, click 'Download' and select the desired format.
  • To sign the document, click 'Sign and Encrypt' and follow the instructions.
  • Signed documents are stored securely and cannot be edited further.

You can access signed documents in the 'Signed Documents' section.

Client Folder and File Management

Manage all files related to a client efficiently using the Client Folder.

  • Access the 'Client Folder' from the main menu.
  • Files are organized by date and type (Audio, Transcripts, Documents, etc.).
  • Use the date selector to find files from specific dates.
  • Click on each file type tab to view and manage files.
  • Use the 'Delete' option responsibly, as deleted files cannot be recovered.

Regularly clean up unused files to keep your storage organized.

Account and Subscription Management

Manage your profile, subscriptions, and account settings.

  • Update your profile information in the 'Profile' section to personalize your documents.
  • Manage your subscriptions in the 'My Subscriptions' section.
  • Change your password and security settings in the 'Security' section.
  • Contact support if you need any assistance with your account.

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